About Us

After we attended a Dave Ramsey live event, our lives were changed forever. Debt free after 21 months (except the mortgage – we’re still working on that!) We have learned so much, that we wanted to give back.

No more money fights. No more debt. Decide where your money goes, together.

We’ve taught many many people over the years through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, as well as individuals at our kitchen table. We want to teach YOU, in hopes it will change your life too. Having financial peace has truly changed our lives, and has made us able to live, and give, like no one else.

We want to give that financial peace to you.

Free. No commitment. Just tune in.

We feel God has given us this calling to put this podcast out there, and even if all this changes just one persons life, It will have been worth it. Of course, we’d love to get at least a few listeners and followers though!

Why Money, life and Coffee?

Why behind the what. Money issues are rarely money issues. They’re life issues. Marriage, upbringing, and other baggage plays into it. If money were a math problem, we wouldn’t have any problems. It’s personal. Personal finance is personal. We attach huge emotions on money.
That’s pretty hefty stuff. Life stuff.
Add on to that, almost no one was taught how to ‘do’ money. This is stuff the lenders don’t want you to know, because YOU are THEIR paycheck.

Coffee is the last part of this equation. Generally speaking, when someone is sipping coffee at the kitchen table, they’re in a more understanding mood. It gives us something to hold when we’re uncomfortable, and a cup to hide behind when we’re embarrassed. Asking someone to go get a cup of coffee with you is like telling them you really need to talk to them. It’s never about the coffee.
Unless its in the morning. Then it’s just about the coffee.
It’s not like ice cream. Ice cream is about ice cream. When someone wants to talk finance with us, we invite them over for coffee.

The kitchen table is also a huge part of this. But naming the show “Money and Life at the kitchen table with Coffee” just sounded like a mouthful. Good things are talked about at the kitchen table. Serious things too. When we’re at the kitchen table, we’re somehow a bit more vulnerable. Something happens at the kitchen table with food and drink that opens us up. But we also have frustrating times at the kitchen table – bills, taxes, homework. Many tears have been shed at our kitchen table with friends being vulnerable and sharing their financial issues with us. We’re opening up our kitchen table to you via this podcast.

Thanks for being a part of this!